Get quick answers to easy questions or connect with a Matchmaker
Most questions can be answered with a quick read through of our FAQs.
Cooldowns are imposed for a reason - to keep our platform safe & to give you time to get your feelings together. We think that a week is a pretty low amount of time, but if you disagree with our non-scientific approach, you can upgrade to First Class to override your cooldown. If you have a really good reason, you can click the chat button in the bottom right corner and one of our Matchmakers will be happy to hear you out.
We know we're asking for some of your most sensitive information, and not only do we take the
responsibility of keeping it safe seriously, we also prioritize being transperant about how we store
it and when it's shared. Our privacy policy (visible inside our app) outlines the nitty-gritty details,
but here's the elevator pitch:
-Your data is stored on secure Google servers
- Your crush is never notified unless they like you back
- If it's not mutual, we only tell you. You can't see who your crush likes.
- You can delete your account at any time with no cooldown period.
You're free to reach out to a Matchmaker if you have any questions about our privacy practices.
Like we stated earlier, your crush can never see you like them until we can confirm you both like each other. If your crush likes somebody else, you'll be notified, but they can't tell they rejected you. You can't see who they like.
If you have any issues with your First Class subscription, please reach out to a Matchmaker ASAP. If a subscription didn't go through or a renewal wasn't processed, we'll make it right with a free month.